Burundi Adoption ~ Welcome Home Delicia!

Of course, nothing went as planned, but we did it as a family.  Delicia is fierce! She’s so resilient and has fit right in and the boys act like it’s always been this way. And have so much grace and understanding for her behaviors and struggles. Developmentally and behaviorally, she’s coming through the stages of grief and progressing pretty quickly from more of a infant to a toddler. She’s allowed us to meet her needs and already lets us hold and comfort her quickly after she gets upset. All that training and listening to Karen Purvis has really been a Godsend. She’s even begun using a few English words and phrases!

Delicia had very few large motor skills when we first met, and she’s already climbing rock walls and kicking balls and riding scooters and bikes! Her laugh is infectious and if looks could kill...😂

Our friends and family have covered us in prayer and will be bringing us dinners a couple nights a week for most of Mical’s Tax Season. Our social worker suggested we keep Delicia pretty much just home for a few more weeks as she adjusts, so life will be pretty small and intimate the best we can for awhile. I’ve reached out to a adoption and play therapist who specializes in attachment and hope to get started with that soon.

We were only able to get our first family photo yesterday. Thank you for everything!

Jackie Semar